Treasured memories of happy family occasions and some lovely holidays we shared.
We shall all miss you.
5th August 2019
Me and the boys miss you so much already Grandma. Life just isn’t going to be the same without you. Your kind smile was unconditional. We thought you would be next door always. You said you were missing the sound of Jayden kicking his football against your wall, he continues to do it and he says he hope you can hear him - he misses you, we all do. Thank you for everything you did for us, we will remember you with fond memories in our hearts today and always. May you now be at peace and reunited with Grandad. We love you always. Hannah, Gavin, Jayden and Kobi xxxx
27th July 2019
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Pamela.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by East of England Co-op Funeral Services on 26/07/2019